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Clients are not an accumulation of numbers, assets and financial figures.

Fee-Only Financial Planning

A fee-only CFP® Financial Planner is a financial professional who is paid directly through their clients. We have zero affiliation or commitments to certain financial products. Our only commitment is to you. No matter what financial plan we develop, we disclose all fees and costs with complete transparency. 

We have the flexibility to provide help on all assets, all insurance, and all questions in the financial planning process without having to move any assets or policies from where they are at. If however, you want us to manage your accounts so you don't have too, here is how that's billed.

Fees Based on Net Worth as Follows:

Tier Description Fee range (annual)
Tier 1 Net Worth < $1,000,000 $6,000 - $8,000
Tier 2 Net Worth between $1,000,000 and $3,000,000 $8,000 + 0.5% Net Worth in excess of $1,000,000
Tier 3 Net worth > $3,000,000 $18,000 + 0.4% of Net Worth in excess of $1,000,000

If a client elects for me to directly manage their investments there will be an additional asset management explained HERE.

Fees are paid quarterly, in advance.

Cadence Planning’s financial planning services fee is calculated as an annual fixed fee based on the client’s net worth ranging between $6,000 - $26,000 according to the above tiers.

Net Worth includes all assets owned by the client including cash, securities, retirement accounts, the value of life or other insurance products, real estate (including home minus the mortgage), vehicles, and fewer outstanding liabilities such as mortgages or other debt. Net worth does not include items such as Donor Advised Fund balances, the value of businesses owned, or personal property such as household goods, collectibles or jewelry unless significant financial planning services are required for the asset.

Cadence Planning may exclude certain debts from the calculation of net worth to determine its fee when a significant level of ongoing planning or services will be required arising from that liability. For circumstances in which the Fair Market Value (FMV) of an asset may not be readily available, Cadence Planning shall make a good faith effort to determine a value. Net Worth will be determined annually by Cadence Planning and provided to the client.

We can’t wait to meet you, get to work, and start your journey!

Let’s Get Started